Bizzy Whiz founder Wendy Enikeieff Boortz dreamed of a world where children could learn from an
early age how to succeed financially at jobs they loved. A first-generation American, Wendy studied
economics and business, and established a career in banking and technology before leaving it all to
volunteer full time with children.
Wendy wanted to excite children about the jobs people do to earn a living. She wanted children to learn how passion and hard work create the extraordinary world we live in. And she wanted to help children imagine how they could make their own special contribution to a better tomorrow. In 1997, while presenting a financial-literacy curriculum to second graders, Wendy visited the library looking for storybooks that captured the thrill and fun of working in the business world. But she couldn’t find the books she wanted.
Wendy began to develop the books she envisioned, - exciting stories about careers and money that
captured children’s imaginations. But after the downturn in the children’s publishing industry following 9-11, the financial literacy project she was working on with a major publisher was shelved, and she returned to a career in banking and community economic development.
In 2008, with the idea of achieving her dream by starting her own publishing company, Wendy accepted
a position in entrepreneurship outreach and training, running programs to help diverse populations start and grow small businesses. Inspired by the people around her, Wendy began to turn her dream of
publishing fun, exciting children’s books into the reality of Bizzy Whiz.
Reaching out to classrooms of young children, Wendy developed fun, exciting, interactive programs,
putting the students in creative, problem-solving roles where they could try out different jobs. One
amazing day, Wendy returned to an elementary classroom she had worked with in the past, and the
students broke into spontaneous applause as she walked in.
Realizing what a difference her programs were making in these students’ lives, and aided by
entrepreneurship support from the community, Wendy founded Bizzy Whiz in 2010. Working with local
students, educators and small businesses, Bizzy Whiz has developed three picture books with
accompanying activities; and has delivered classroom programs to over 450 students.